Iceland - Day 5

Breakfast and checked out of the accommodation and helped load the coach. Headed down along the south coast past Eyrarbakki where I stayed on my last trip. First stop was Krysuvik for bubbling mud pools, then around to Volcano parking 2 which had been put in place after the Fagradasfjall eruptions in 2021 / 2022. Walked up to see the lavas which were steaming, and overflowed the valley behind and down the Nátthagi valley. This was an amazing site and experience. Down to the sea stacks and the keyboard used in the Will Ferrell film 'Volcano Man' and then to the airport to do some shopping - a new 66 North fleece to 'replace' one I've had for about 12 years. Flight actually left on time and arrived early - first time that has happened for a long time. Delay for baggage then ran through the terminal to get the Heathrow Express and tube to get me to KIng's X in time for the last train out of London. Home at 1am. 

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