Another Tooth Bites the Dust
Well I woke up early to phone in case my dentist was open today. And at 8:59am I rang and got through. The girl said I’d have to pay private charges today and that would be £130 just to go. I was more than happy to pay knowing it would be my dental practice ( although I knew I wouldn’t get my lovely lady dentist).
I arrived early to the doors all closed and thought shit! There’s no one here! I phoned and the receptionist said the dentist isn’t here yet so she didn’t want to unlock the door. Fair enough I went in a believe it or not my lady dentist was on call! I was so relieved as she’s the best dentist ever! Such a lovely lady and no nonsense and gave me two injections and the second being into soft infected gum…. I may have squealed a bit!!!
She said because it was infected the anaesthetic may not work and if I feel anything she’d have to stop and try again in a few days time. She poked about which I could hear scraping but felt nothing. The whole time in dentist from start to finish was less than 10 mins! She’s incredible.
So after shaking quite violently and being super hot she said I’ve just give you two injections of adrenaline so you’ll probably shake for a bit.
So now I’m home and Garri bless him for me got my antibiotics from town as you know what it’s like when your numb I was dribbling blood so not a good look lol.
I’m hungry but won’t eat today I may just have the odd drink to take my antibiotics with.
That’s my awesome Easter weekend. Good job I’m not a fan of public holidays. I would love to go out and get bugs as the weather is super. But hey ho
Draco the toothless wonder :-(
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