It’s oh so quiet. It’s oh so still
Big hands to this lady today
At three thirty we all decamped bed for
It was off to the airport, again for a six am flight to London
As I drove up, Himself as a second pair of eyes… because at that time in the morning only one eye is open, I heard Boy say in the back, just checking we have the ticket app.
‘Oh that’s odd’. He says
Had the Glasgow to Heathrow…. No other tickets. I listened. J just sat and said ‘did you get a confirmation email? Nothing else
Remarkably calm.
While I drove Boy searched for tickets ; asked J to transfer points (they travel almost everywhere on Points earned.
This is what Boy does - writes about travel, earning points, using points.
Only this morning. All the points sites were down.
He found flights, but until the points sites came up they were stuck (not people to part with money unnecessarily)
We dropped them off and off they toddled to the BA Priority Lounge and set about the muffins and bacon butties.
Eventually they got to London and the points sites opened. They transferred their points and got Business Class to Bucharest for £40 each.
And J. Only swore once… am proud of you Gal! Well done
The we drove back home to a text from my colleague to say he had tested positive for Covid.
On considering Himself’s snotty nose and cough we thought it best to test. Si is positive … I’m not, but I’m not feeling 100%
So we went back to bed and slept for another three hours and have taken it easy for rest of the day.
Hope the kids have escaped. They have worn masks on all their flights
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