Last of the narcissi?
Making the most of the glorious weather, so I took a pack lunch (and the second bulk bag of clippings) up to the allotment to get as much done as possible before picking up pizza from the Co-op on the way home.
The latest bed had some leaf mould added and I planted out the onions and shallots that have been growing in the polytunnel. Some had left some enviromesh in the giveaway area, so I snaffled that to put over them.
I did some serious tidying up around the outside of the polytunnel where one side has been a bit of a dumping ground and then mowed all the internal paths and around the edge of my plot. Mowing the paths around your plot is an official duty, so has to be done. It also makes it quite easy to spot who hasn't been back to their plot yet this year!!
Final job of the day was emptying the large compost bin. It hasn't worked well this year as the contents were too dry, so I have put it all in a bulk bag for now.
Picked these beautiful narcissi to take home. These will be the last of this year's crop. I'm going to look out for more later flowering and different flower shapes to add for next year.
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