Happy Easter

Trying again! 

I thought I'd posted my Easter blip three hours ago, and just noticed it's not appeared! So, trying again ... but a bit briefer this time. Suffice it to say, thank goodness, my tonsils have recovered from their itis as the day's gone on, so the NHS website was right when it said 3-4 days. Still have the heavy cold and the - now occasional - head pains. But it's progress.

Master Bug Pugglesworth shared gentle kisses with his cousins, which were happily received. He's been kept safely free from chocolate overflow, while we've all had our fill. 

Now exhausted again, but a happy day has been had by all. Thank you for all your kind wishes over the past few days - blip-power is working its restorative magic. x

Happy Easter, blipmates!

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