Desert Squirrel

By PolS


This image was a complete accident. I'm not even sure exactly what it is, although I think that the red bit one of the carpets in the hallway. I've written about the extra image.

I imported convolvulus (bindweed) into my garden via some peony rhizomes I acquired from a friend years ago. Eradication seems impossible without disposing of the peonies, and so far, I have managed to confine this pernicious weed to the peony bed This does require, though, that as soon as a few leaves are spotted, vigilant removal of as much of the underground stems as possible. This wet summer has been particularly conducive to growth of every weed I have on the property, including bindweed. I've been losing the battle a little, as there have been more shoots than every before. 

It has never flowered, but with such energetic underground growth this plant does well enough without. Just a tiny portion of underground stem is sufficient to produce a new plant. Therefore I make very certain that every scrap of bindweed I extract from the peony bed goes into my green bin and not into the compost.

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