
By JulesB

Birthday treat

Talk about a birthday that keeps on giving! A friend suggested that rather than buying things for presents we would treat each other to nice days out. So on Saturday she took me to Bodnant Gardens in North Wales. We last went there on a gardening club coach trip 20 or more years ago when we both had small children. It was an equally beautiful sunny day like today and we found a lovely bench and sat chatting for most of the day, relaxing in the warmth. Several keen members of the club wondered why we weren't rushing around admiring the many different plant specimens but with toddlers at home we were enjoying the peace and quiet of a beautiful day in each other's company. Likewise today although our toddlers are long grown up we enjoyed catching up and relaxing in the sunshine. A lovely day.
In the evening I was honoured as the Deacon in the Church to light and carry in the new Paschal Candle at the Easter Vigil. So special!

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