
We have been getting ready all day to go to Yorkshire in the Motorhome tomorrow. The campsite rang this afternoon and said that they would have to cancel our visit as they are flooded. The weather has been  pretty awful , is forecast to continue just as awful, and there are going to be 60 mph gusts. So we’re not going.
I’ve had to spend ages unpacking my stuff. LooseCanon has not had to because he hadn’t started packing! That’ll teach me to get ahead of myself.
The washing has been taken in and out about ten times today, in between showers, and the photo was taken during a sunny non rainy spell,  where the greengage blossom was wafting around in the wind, hence the blurriness. A bee was attempting a difficult landing rather like a fighter jet on an aircraft carrier I should imagine.
Mono Monday ,  celestial or sky themed. The sky was very blue, though merely grey in this.

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