Cheers mate.

More "for the Record".

Having had the source of Lake Volvo diagnosed as a leaky windscreen and said Screen being, mostly, sealed; it MAY be enough to do the trick, but I'm not risking it, HOWEVER, I'll continue right to the bottom. 

Meantime I have the loan of Jerra's de-humidifier.  

NO WAY am I taking another shot tomorrow though, COZ:-
1. I've a shot scheduled. 
2. "We" can see the effect of a few hours "dehumidification"(?).

I suspect it's been slowly drying for a while, but half a day's constant running has upped the temp. (14˚C ->25˚C) and 
downed the % humidity(?){75%-->31%}.
He didn't leave an "F. M. " for me to R. - SO I've no idea what the symbols are?  Does it mean my T-shirt's dry but beware of Carbon Monoxide.
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
"Houston we have a problem" 
NO eye Deer if it's  my end; restricted to one Browser, or across the board OR at their end.
I've checked the computer - Mon 10 Apr 23:37 now.
I've checked the camera  -  10.  4.  2023  
Gotcha ye TOAD!!  
I thought it was just the unchanged HOUR until I noticed the 10:38 said AM after it
DAMNTHING uses stone-age 12-hour clock.
Bugg Writt!!!  
So THAT's why it kept telling me I had an entry for "yesterday"at every attempt to publish "today's".

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