The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Mystery Holiday.....

Well we just had to book another holiday, Mrs BM will be recovering from her knee operation so she will need a break.
We saw this and thought, well 4 nights 5 days for £149.99p what could go wrong. Well we could end up in the back of beyond but I doubt it, as long as it's a nice hotel and the food is OK, we will be OK.

I had a lie in today until 9:00, this is totally unusual for me I normally wake around 5:00am and up by 06:30 or 07:00. I won't be tired tonight so I will be watching TV until the early hours.

We have packed the caravan for next week when we head to Wales with the Caravan Club, tomorrow I will be getting some fishing tackle to top what I already have, plus some bait.

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