Who's She Setting Her Cap For?

Blackcap warblers sing from cover so are not the easiest to capture. I heard and saw two males on my morning walk but didn't manage a shot. As I came round the eastern end of the lake I spotted this female, with her chestnut brown cap, in a willow. She looks to me as if she's listening to and rating the males' singing. 

I know very little about opera but was interested to read that Messiaen featured the song of the blackcap (together with other birds) in Sermon to the Birds from Saint François d'Assise. This clip includes a short piece of the music. 
I visited Fishers Green this afternoon as I know of two glades there where wild primroses grow. I've added an image to extras for my personal Coronation Invitation challenge. These flowers feature once in the artwork.  

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