Billboard Hits

By chicklet

Let the Little Girl Dance

Billy Bland 1960

On Saturday I attended a Scottish "Celebrity Come Dance With Me" benefit night in aid of a new Marie Curie Hospice. Seven local *Celebrities* danced with local teachers after training for a few weeks. They were all utterly useless but this lassie, Sharon Oakley* was the least awful, although she didn't win.

My chum and I were right at the back, the meal was average, there was a fire alarm, no-one asked us to dance inspite of the fact that we held our (proper) dance shoes in full view of all passers-by, and the evening ended with a YMCA etc style disco session. All quite bizzare and totally provincial but looking back it was a hilarious night and I am delighted that I attended and was able to support such a good cause. Best bit was watching big girls bobbing in (/out) of boob tubes to some Abba at the end of the night.

*no, me neither

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