Random Musings

By RandomMusing


A busy day today for Wee B, but mummy did not manage to get any photos until we took Daddy for an appointment

We went to the local Gymboree to register B for lessons, and were noted to gave a free lesson. B is a big boy for is age so he ended up being included in the level 3 class which was for 10 months plus. He had a great time and was really interested in all the other children who were crawling and walking- perhaps he will be inspired to give it a go He is now signed up for the level 2 classes

A quick stop home for food and then we were off out again with Daddy. While waiting B and I hung out in e trunk of the truck and he had a great time playing with the spare seat belts before we had a dance around the car park before heading back home

A early night was required for a very tired boy, which probably means an early start tomorrow

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