Mail to Messy

By Horomaka

Retro Sounds

When you're confined to quarters sometimes you've just got to shoot what you can see nearby. Today was one of those days.

My recovery has taken a bit of a wrong turn over the last 24 hours, with lots of shooting pains and pins and needles through my leg causing a near sleepless night and a lot of discomfort. Not good.

Determined to not go the whole weekend wondering if I needed to do something about it, I contacted my surgeon to get some advice. He decided he wanted to see me, so I rushed into St George's (thanks Dad!). After removal of my dressing for an inspection and a bit of a clean up of the wound, my surgeon seemed to think that all was OK, but instructed me to have a VERY quiet weekend with total rest and elevation of the leg.

So today's blip of our old stereogram, which also doubles as our TV stand, is taken from the comfort of the couch, where it looks like I'll be for the duration of the weekend.

Somehow I don't think there'll be any more riverside shots for a little while...

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