Sewing day 3

After yesterday’s omission, forgetting to get a blip at day 2, I captured this one as soon as I got there this morning. The ladies were admiring a wall hanging that F had made. She pays attention to detail and everything is so precise, lovely.

I took my sewing machine as we were in the village and B dropped me off. I finished altering two summer skirts so that when the sun shines and it’s warm, I’m ready to go. I do hope I haven’t jinxed things !!! 

I then spent ages taking a pattern off an abaya that R has bought. She also bought two lengths of suitable material for me to make additional ones for her. 

The final item on the agenda for today was the next stage of the mug bag started last Saturday. It’s still not yet finished. 

There was a good attendance, maximum numbers and plenty of chat. 

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