Day 9 on the Gulag

Well my plan for escaping the Gulag tomorrow has been scuppered by those pirates Calmac!
Instead of leavin Lochboisdale at 8 am tomorrow for oban, now these braxy bandits want me to get up at 3am, get to Lochboisdale then leave at 4.45am and head not to oban but to bloody Uig in Skye!!! And the crossing would take  4and a half hours. What the heck! Flora MacDonald and Bonnie Prince Charlie did Uist to Skye in 2 hours in a ROWING boat!  Flora I am not so i asked for a ferry to Oban  was that too much to ask. Yes said she. What about Friday  which part of the country would i turn up in? Oban said she...but its fully booked.  Can I get from uist to oban on Sat  even if its via Tierra DelFuego?. You can said she. So now im (hopefully)  leaving on Sat. 
My neighbour invited me over for my ( last supper) or so they thought but i will now have 3 last suppers before I leave. Im doing beter than Jesus but then Jesus didn't have Calmac!
Anyway who knows when i get off this God forsaken place!

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