Dinner Day!

Allegra was VERY excited that today was her birthday dinner party! A morning spent decorating the cake (see extra) - didn’t bake the cake this time though - Matt and Swe at Under Pressure very kindly baked us A’s favourite for the occasion (biscoff blondie), and tidying the house (always good to have an excuse that forces us to do what we’ve been putting off!).

Very grateful to Sam who did all the cooking and food prep. And to Beth and Zac who were the waiters (and entertainers at times!) (see extra). And to Paul who helped but mainly kept Zion company - he chose to stay ensconced in the front room at a safe distance from “girls”. And to Andy and Gaynor who took the dog during the party… to reduce the chaos slightly! And to our neighbours who gave us some of their magnolia flowers (my favourite!!) for the table decoration (see extra).

Much fun was had at the party, noise levels rose in line with sugar intake… and all went smoothly and to plan! Children now safely in bed, Allegra somewhat exhausted!

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