I haven't taken any photos today - - - -
1 because I've been too busy.
2 it's been raining most of the day.
1st I went to the P. O. Where it was a delay as the contents of the parcel had to be changed ie another name for 1 of the contents ( how bloo-y stupid is that same contents just a different name) the declaration form was so small I really couldn't hold & control the pen , so the post master did the honours , how kind of him) next the strip wouldn't scan so he had to start all over again. These things come to try us! Then to wash bed linen ( bed stripped before I went to P.O.) then to clean bathroom floor and put clean towels etc ready and tidy linen cupboard. By which time washing was completed, as it was windy & sun shining I struggled to put them on line. Then the heavens opened, so I left them thinking would clear , it did but 3 times they got wet, hey ho got them in dripping wet so had to be spun again.! Then vacuuming needed doing & bed remade which takes me an age to do. After all that I sat down for a meal & cuppa only siting down really at 9.30pm
Phew, all done on 3 hours sleep was awake from 3.30am!
What inconsistent weather , just wish it would stabilise, my bones/ joints don't know were they are .
Just hope you've managed a reasonable day folks .
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