
I took this picture in the park and a man walking by was so happy to tell me that its name is Spring Beauty. 

81 degrees today! So very lovely. I did kill a mosquito, in the house, last week but I think they are rare enough to enjoy sitting outdoors in the evening. 

Last week there was a fire at Russia's Defense Ministry. Just saying. 626 similar fires since between Jan 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023. There was an increase in fires in admin buildings by 99%. Yep. Before the war, Molfar was a company reporting on markets and companies. Now they identify war criminals and analyze fires in Russia. Most of the fires happen in or near Moscow. Molfar suggests Russian partisans opposed to the war or Ukrainian undercover agents. 

A Ukrainian bank owner is offering ~ $540,000 prize to the any Ukrainian drone developer who can land a drone in Moscow's Red Square. The competition will take place on May 9, the day Russia celebrates the Soviet defeat of Nazi Germany.

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