Upside Down

My constant companion :)

She seems to know I'm upset at the moment, and she certainly makes me laugh!

Another day working from home - with the first 'consultation' meeting, where I stupidly burst into tears :(  I didn't want to do that, but suddenly couldn't hold back any longer....

I chatted with my colleague who is going through the same process tonight.  She is about to go on Maternity Leave, and isn't sure she can cope with this - she's never gone through it before....  I have advised her to join a union for the future and gave her the link for mine.

After work I went shopping for 'comfort' food.  I couldn't face slimming world tonight, though I'm determined to try to get back in control before next week...

Still so tearful, picked up a whats app message from my discipleship leader asking how I am when I was in the car park at the supermarket.  It almost finished me off....

Now filling out forms for the union, and sending all the paperwork through, so that will take sometime to do...

And that's been my day!  T

Thank goodness its Friday tomorrow, though I expect another 8 til 6 day - its quite ridiculous we have to carry on working regardless to what is going on :(

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