Capital adventures

By marchmont

A day of two halves

Part 1, swim, then B&Q to get some garden stuff (I'm contemplating making the shed a colour), then Currys to look at fridge freezers and TVs. The latter was a waste of time as most were off and therefore just black boxes. Then to #2 son's and 2'tip runs and a drop off at the charity shop before I dropped him off for lunch.

Part 2, work. 2 hours on the phone to British Gas trying to sort out gas bills. I've only been at it 6 months but things may be on the move. After that I had a forecast to do for funding that is coming. 

Outside it was cold and wet, I had to scrape the windscreen again this morning. I hope it warms up soon.  Sad to hear about Mary Quant. I may wear the earrings from the V&A exhibition at the weekend. 

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