
By tookie

My Mom the Pitcher

A follow up to yesterday is this one of my mom (passed in 2001) pitching a fast pitch softball circa late 1930’s. It was a picture that won her brother $3 in a class B photo contest in the Vindicators Snapshop contest in Youngstown Ohio . So it was in my blood to pitch!!!
Unfortunately my mom had stopped playing ball of any kind when we were growing up so we never knew that she had played ball. Her younger sister played ball with us , but never her. So finding a few pictures of her pitching fast pitch softball was so fun.
My uncle went on to be a WWII photographer and took pictures of concentration camps freeing the Holocaust survivors — he earned his family about the images about to appear on the cleveland papers.
My mom went on to raise a family of four secretly wishing she’d pitched hard ball for the then Cleveland Indians in League Park!

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