
Today has been an emotional roller-coaster; mostly ups, but a few downs too. Beautiful weather and a fabulous time with the children. My lessons with Year One and Year Three were a joy, the children a delight. In the afternoon the whole school performed a musical celebration of learning which was just magical. I also ran my third 10 km in a week with another respectable time.

Unfortunately, some disappointing personal news plus the news of the terrorist murder in London really upset and disturbed me. I dread the repercussions which are likely to stem from this barbaric act, particularly a swing towards fervent nationalism and a wave of copy-cat killings by radicalised Muslims.

I was going to try and blip something related to the terrorist story but decided it is just too depressing. So, I focused on all the good things about the day, particularly the children, and sought solace in art and escapism by drawing this portrait of Servalan, the sexiest incarnation of Evil since Snow White's step-mother.

As Nick Frost used to say, "Don't have nightmares."

Servalan (Killer Queen) - Queen

Blake's Seven Opening Theme

Imagine - John Lennon

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