A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


Although many of the boardgames I blip about are relatively niche, there is one - Catan - that has made it into the mainstream.  When it came out it transformed the boardgaming world both inside and outside the hobby and rightly has sold millions of copies even though it's considered mediocre by today's standards.

Sadly the designer, Klaus Teuber, died at the beginning of this month.  Catan (originally Die Siedler von Catan - The Settlers of Catan) wasn't his first game - not even his first Spiel des Jahres (Game of the Year) win.

Not intended as a tribute but we've been playing a few of his games this week.  This one - Entdecker (Discoverer) - has hints of another mainstream-achieved game Carcassonne.  

The other one we played was Drunter & Druber - a lightweight game of building town infrastructure over the top of the buildings that had unfortunately been built in the way.  Think Coventry.

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