
By brambleblossom

Nice Neighbours or Nosey Neighbours?

A recount of a day full of happenings.

Bramble and I took a walk close to home this morning, through the small park and yet again there were mature trees being felled and chipped, it was painful to see. I reported it straight away to my local councillor [ who luckily I live with] and an email was sent off to the tree officer.  A reply came back this afternoon, apparently its okay and all is well , there is no TPO and  the right permissions have been granted .How can that be right ? They were coming into leaf and some had the beginnings of blossom appearing. Its in a conservation area too . 

Next, while eating breakfast and exercising the grey cells with Wordle and Waffle , we witnessed some suspicious goings on in our back alley, the removal of a large quantity of metal building materials onto the back of a flat bed truck . Prior to that the vehicle had been driven down the backs with two young lads looking over all the walls. We rang the police but hung up after half an hour as the truck was driven off. D got the reg no and has reported it online . He called round tonight to talk to the owner but no one was in .I really hope that it was an arranged pickup but its doubtful as this scenario has happened before . The phrase , ‘easy pickings’ comes to mind.

Brighter goings on include, booking a campsite for next week, delivering some election leaflets , planting some seeds and visiting the library . The only photo of the day is of the books I’ve taken out , all new authors for me ,except for Fay Weldon.

The highlight of the day was lunching with my two ‘mended wrist’ friends, 3 women of similar age. Every time we meet I’m reminded of how valuable  it is to spend time with ones peer group, its comforting  to to compare notes on what its like to be in this phase of life.

“Have I Got News For You,” is back on the TV this evening so I’m off to  watch it .
Wishing you all a pleasant weekend, 

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