
TT said that he wanted to spend some time in the garden this week – given his recent back trouble I advised that he should limit this to say an hour each day and that he shouldn’t get carried away.  He got himself organised this morning and after half an hour his back went.  Disaster.  I should have suggested half an hour!  He was in agony, but made it back into the house and got his ice pack ready.  Apart from offer sympathy, there is not very much I could do for him, apart from suggesting he sort out an appointment to get it looked at.  He said he would give it a few days (!).  I left him sitting with his book, knowing he wouldn’t be going very far, and I took myself out for a run.  Although it was lovely and bright, it was very cold and very windy – I was back to wearing multiple layers today.  Running into the wind was exhausting.  About a mile from home, I met a friend who was out dog walking.  I was delighted to stop for a chat and to catch my breath.  I got home to find that TT had moved to a different chair and was in a position that looked quite uncomfortable to me, but he was happy.
He thought walking would help to ease it, so  I walked with him down town so he could go for a haircut.  He wasn’t sure he would be able to sit down, but was fine and later reported that the chair was very comfortable, the hardest thing was getting out of it and standing up.
He had told me not to wait, so I went for a walk, going along the river and taking the path back that BB took at the weekend, and I spotted a kingfisher.  The first one I have seen in months.  I had texted BB to check that TT had made it home ok and to check that he was ok.  BB reported that he was fine –well not fine, but ok. 
By the time I got home, TT had made tea – which he could do as he was just standing, not sitting.  His problem seems to be mostly with sitting and the transition between sitting and standing – walking helps.  Tea was very nice – he did well.  Later TT got himself settled in front of the TV and didn’t move until he went to bed.  Hopefully he will get some sleep.  I mostly read my book this evening – The Wild Silence.
I knew this gravestone existed, but have never seen it until today.

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