
By Wanderers13

Slow worm or legless lizard. Anguis fragilis

After strimming the grass earlier I came across two slow worms, they appeared to be interacting so to speak but then disappeared under the grass. Later when J came home we found them in the sunshine. We concluded this was a mating game and watched as they twirled and grabbed, it looked more like a fight; one slow worm grabbed the neck of the other, we could clearly see the shape of its head, eyes and teeth. At one stage both had the neck of the other in its mouth. Apparently the male and female have scars from fighting or mating.

Over the years we have seen a variation in colour from copper to a silvery grey. Adults have a smooth, shiny appearance, with a dark strip on its underside, in evidence much of the time today.

Slow worms like compost heaps. For many years we have run 'Slow worm Hotel' two faded green bins that are now less than half full with lovely compost. BUT I am not allowed to use it, we must not disturb the inhabitants.

Neither of us have seen such a dispaly as today, fascinating and I think captured on video.

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