My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow, 

I am trying to make Fridays a thing. So I came into work today and was delighted to meet Jefe and Losi for lunch. 

"I am SO sorry about my wife," I told Jefe when I saw him. See yesterday's entry for context. 

He just laughed. So did Losi.

Sadly, Losi was not available after work, but Jefe, Manda, Mo and me went to Little Beer Quarter, a pub set up by women for women and consequently one of my favourite venues. It's a nice atmosphere in there and Jefe and Manda had never been before. 

They were delighted to find it is dog-friendly and so we had beer, chips and burgers with a little doggy called "Jane" staring and staring at us for food (see the extra).

"She looks quite tubby," observed Manda. 

"She comes here with us a LOT," explained her owner. 

I gave her some of my burger. (Jane, not Manda). 

As usual we had a great night of inane chat. I wish I could remember more of it, but mainly I talked to Manda about food. Now that she is working at Cordon Bleu, it has reignited her enthusiasm. She is even talking about qualifying to teach. 

I asked her what she thought of celebrity chefs like Gordon Ramsey and Jamie Oliver. She made the thumbs-down symbol and a farty noise which I'm guessing is not good. She LOVED Bourdain though. "It's one of the only celebrity deaths that made me cry," she explained. 

She also rates Ferran Adria, who I had never even heard of before. So I now have homework to do. 

All this chat was accompanied by beer and whisky so I was quite fluffy when I got home. I got Caro Macdonalds on the way. 

And no, the irony is not lost on me.


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