Shrinking Violas.

After grey skies through most of the day, late afternoon sunshine illuminates little sections of the garden so I grab my camera and pop outside. 

My pots of tulips are still predominantly green, but peeping through the broad green leaves are little floral gems. These tiny violas have survived all through the winter, performing bravely when no one was even looking. Now, they seem to shrink modestly, scared by these more brash performers, just peeping through the vibrant curtains of the tulip leaves. 

Thankfully, the antibiotics now seem to have kicked in, and after the most awful night when I’m in and out of bed every few minutes, the morning sees a definite improvement. G orders me to spend the day doing absolute nothing; there’s always a temptation to start ‘doing’ things when I feel better. And so it’s another lazy day, but finally one that is largely pain free. 

Thanks so much for your kindness and concern this week - so very much appreciated. 

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