
By MostlyMull

Freshly Cleaned Beach

Three of us from the HDWT helped the Ulva School beach cleaning along a stretch of Lock Na Keal (starting at the camp site and working along in the direction of Ulva).
There was all sorts of washed up rubbish but I was amazed and disgusted at the number of bin bags full of bits of rope we collected. A good four hours of picking up rubbish saw a skip about half full and the majority of it was short lengths of rope.
It was surprisingly a lot more fun than I was expecting and the kids were great. The only downer on the day was when my dog managed to be far quicker than I thought and tried to catch the stone I was throwing back into the sea - the results being one chipped tooth and one smashed tooth and me feeling rather sick that I'd hurt my dog. One of the parents there today is a vet so it was looked at pretty quickly. Lesson well and truly learnt.


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