Friday Pints

An early start meeting up with AT who owns a boat identical to my own and who is going to be absent from the lift in. I’m therefore selected as his stand in skipper for the day. Being a chap, he’s off to some posh wedding in Perthshire. Apparently the “Major” is being married and it’ll be a jolly good bash. His boat is a disgraceful mess and not remotely ready for lift in, of course. That’s the mark of a proper toff.
Then up town for who is visiting but my cuz (the second youngest), the lapsed blipper barking mad! over from Oz for the first time in years. With her Dave.Our opportunities for a chat were exceedingly slim as they were heading back and we had newly returned but we managed it! We even found a place indoors at the West End (extra) which was a relief as there was suddenly a horrendous downpour of hail outdoors. So much to talk about. I mean, Hearts… West Ham… things aren’t going well for either club.

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