
By adamwray

That explains the shakes

Today I was a bit shaky.... Mostly down to the massssssive amounts of cwoffee (said in an American accent). Anywho I was in the staffroom at lunch when a member of staff noticed my shakiness. Now, we all know the avatar storyline... And it became apparent that my shakes were due to the monster in the box waking up and all that. Upon this discussion, it was noted that me and my work wife look like Avatars. I don't see it myself, mostly because I'm not blue... But everyone else could... Some people laughed hysterically and then tried to dig themselves out of the hole by saying that avatars were beautiful, well we all know that's not true don't we! So a moderate day has been had today! On a side note... Imagine what two avatars having children would look like, yak!

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