22 years ago today was probably the best day of my life, as my two wee bairns made their way into this world at Winchester Hospital: Bex struggling, the "wrong way" up, assisted by a ventouse sucker; Naomi easy as pie, in her wake...
But I didn't even get to speak with them today :/ - tried, between appointments, but failed... they've better things to do than listen to the sentimental ramblings of their old Pa :D
Rubbish day sales-wise, one single-case order from 4 visits!! - but I knew it was probably coffee and catch-up day... having tasted, orders will come somewhere down the line... 80+ year olds with health issues don't tend to be big drinkers!! Blip is looking across typical Lincolnshire veggie fields to Boston Stump, a regular view back in the day...
Did tasting with mine hosts and the indication is that there are several they will order... but Moff fell asleep before we got to the reds... about 5 minutes after extra was taken... Think it's my first tasting where the customers were in their pyjamas :D - will continue this evening...
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