Wasp spider egg sac
I removed my slave hat & hung it up before leaving the house this morning. I needed some fresh air so went for a mooch with my camera on the heath before collecting Indie. Plenty of birdsong but tricky little birds hiding in trees with good camouflage now they are bursting into leaf.
I'd prepared some root veg & fresh herbs for Mum to cook with a small ham joint I knew she had in the freezer, adding diced onion, potato, & a stock pot before covering. Then I walked Indie, an hour and half later we were back. A coffee & Danish with Mum before heading back on my own with the camera once again. They're ringing birds on the heath so nets were set up in two locations. I did'nt see any in the nets. I bumped into Lesley & Jago, a couple who live along from Mum in the cul-de-sac. That catch up lasted half an hour I reckon. Finding out little snippets about the neighbours ;-). She might have a problem with her sight but she does'nt miss much, got a heart of gold & would do anything for MOST of the folks who live there, most of which have been there a number of years with a fair share of elderly. Walking back towards the village I then bumped into Alison, another of Mum's neighbours. She also has a heart of gold and very happy to assist. She's currently walking & looking after Diana's Bearded Collie. Diana lives directly next door, spilled a cup of very hot tea down herself, tested Covid positive on arrival in hospital and been in Derriford hospital 3 weeks. Had skin grafts & slowly recovering. :-( Hopefuly being transfered to NA hospital tomorrow.
Back at Mum's, her casserole was ready to come out of the oven. Perfect timing as she had just finished watching the gymnastics from Turkey on Beeb 2.
Thanks to Marlieske for Derelict Sunday. p.s Not 100% sure this sac has been vacated.
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