Four Generations!

This photograph I took originally in Dec2003 not long after MissT was born.
To left is MissT's mum, Mrs BR and "holding the baby"! Mrs BR's mum:

MrsBR (Karen) is, as you know up north visiting her folks.
Sadly and suddenly her mother was taken ill and has passed away which was unexpected and a total shock.
She was a really lovely lady and, forget all the mother-in-law jokes, we always got on well and she was great fun!
Karen's father has been doing a great job taking care of her mother although they are both in their mid eighties.
He will be very lost for a time I suspect although, he has lots of friends and outside activities so, we are taking Mr Casper up to keep him company for the time being.
Casper has lived with them before and they are pretty close.
I would like to apologise in advance if we are unable to give blip commenting the full attention it deserves and we will get back to it as soon as we are able.
Many thanks for your understanding

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