Bridge Of Sighs

Not the one in Venice, obviously, but in Oxford’s Hertford College. We drove up to Oxford, somewhere that somehow we’ve never visited before, to celebrate our 46th Wedding anniversary. We got engaged after a day in Venice so the blip seemed to fit the occasion.

It was a bit of a fraught journey requiring a detour from Stonehenge to Salisbury to have our tyres checked after a warning light came on and wouldn’t go off when we tried inflating them, the a traffic hold up outside Oxford which caused an attack of cramp requiring a stop in a lay by and liberal applications of Deep Heat to the calf muscle. The joys of old age!

Anyway, we got here and have been in town enjoying a pre-dinner drink in the oldest pub in town, The Turf, which opened its doors in 1381, followed by a meal in the somewhat more recent Wagamama’s!

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