Flea / 'Life Of Brian'

A visit from Flea, this morning, as is her occasional wont. She's still sprightly enough to jump up onto the bed. And then she hangs around until I give her head a scratch before going back downstairs to her happy place, i.e. the heated mat.

For myself, I worked from home and then drove down to Salford, meeting the Minx at the Wagamama on Spinningfields before we went across to The Everyman to see a showing of 'The Life Of Brian'.

The film has aged fantastically well. Sure, one of the wise men is wearing blackface, totally unnecessarily, but the scene where Stan says he wants to be a woman seems to capture the basic arguments of the trans debate over forty years in advance.

Apart from that, the film is just plain funny. More than any other outing by the Pythons, everyone seems to be operating at full power. Cleese, in particular, is excellent. It was good to be reminded of what an excellent character he once was.

(If you've never watched the Life Of Brian debate, I'd highly recommend it.)

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