
By Lapsang

A Rather Wet Dog Walk

The rain has been beating down over the house all day; the wind has been bringing down branches and howling as runs through the trees.

All in all, the weather has been remarkably rotten.

The rain and grey skies have a rather oppressive feel. When all you can see out of the windows is dreary grey sheets and raindrops it gives the house a sense of claustrophobia. It's also surprisingly cold considering it's mid May. I ended up spending most of the day cocooned in bed, wrapped up in a warm duvet, listening to the anger of the weather against the window.

Being at home means I have to take our dog, Hobbs, out for walks. Usually it's an enjoyable task, however as you might have guessed with the weather, it's not been too pleasant over the past few days.

I put off taking Hobbs out for a walk for as long as possible this evening - I was trying to organise a ceasefire with the rain. Hobbs was getting rather impatient, and he has his way of showing it. While sitting at the desk on my laptop, he'll come over and nuzzle his nose in between my arm and chest, and then stare at me intently. If that fails, he curls up beside me and occasionally lets out small whimpers designed to extract maximum guilt.

So when I judged a period of calm in the weather, I donned a raincoat and walking gear and took Hobbs out for a walk. The moment we got across to the field. It tipped it down.

Taking a photo in the rain and wind is no easy task; I was petrified of getting water in my parent's camera, so I tried to keep the exposure of the camera to the elements as quick as possible.

So I'm now back from the walk, still damp from the rain, writing out this journal entry. The clouds are now parting to reveal rare blue skies and beams of sunlight. Typical.

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