
By craggyt

Tina... staked out!

Tina recreates the horror at "the Martyrs' Stake" in Wigtown, Scotland.

The mostly forgotten story of the Wigtown martyrs marks Scotland's crisis of faith and identity during the 17th century, as battle raged between the stubborn "Covenanters" who clung to the Presbyterian belief that no one but God and Christ could be at the head of their religion, and the supporters of James II who wanted to see the Roman Catholic church restored. It all peaked during what has been called the "killing years" of 1680-5. In one of the most shocking episodes, two Covenanters - Margaret Lachlane, aged 63, and Margaret Wilson, in her 20s - were tied to stakes in Wigtown's mudflats, and allowed to drown as the tide came in.

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