
Up earlyish to do yoga and get ready to go over to my Dad's.

He'd had some upsetting news and was consequently quite unsettled. Estelle next door's son died last week - he was only 27. He'd had a massive heart attack and did not regain consciousness. He was born with something wrong with his heart, but this was still unexpected. He was autistic too, but had made a successful life for himself - living independently and had a job and a girlfriend. I only met him once - he seemed really nice. 

I made lunch for my Dad and did a few jobs, also booked his next Covid booster. Covid seems to be more of a "thing" again - I've not heard news of another "wave" but I've heard of a few people having it lately, masks seem to be a more common sight again, and today the Rington's tea rep visited my Dad as I was leaving to catch the train and when I told him to just go into the house, he said that they had been told they should stay outside again. I hope it's not "Here we go again" time.

This shot was taken on my phone this morning as I walked along the riverside to catch the train to my Dad's. The water was  gushing through the locks, roaring so loud I could hear it way before I was near it. 

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