Got up at ridiculous o’clock to catch a 7 o’clock flight to Budapest.
#breakfast at the airport in a very pink cafe ;))
The transfer to the hotel was very efficient. Our room was not ready yet so we went for an explore down by the river Danube.
# My boys posing by the river.
# The Shoe Memorial of Budapest was very moving. It symbolises where; during WW2, Jews were lined up along The Danube, ordered to take off their shoes and were shot, so their bodies fell into the river and were washed away.
We had lunch at Brunch on the way back…delicious and a treat to eat outside.
#our hotel is very nice and our room was wonderful…massive bed!!
#in the evening we went for a stroll around the town and an evening meal (sadly mine was very disappointing:(( )
#this ferris wheel is right outside our hotel and can be seen from quite a distance…so great as a guide.
A lovely first day 2/60

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