My name is Maureen...and not only am I a Chocoholic but I am a hoarder too! All this “stuff” was in my hall cupboard - boxes, bits of paper, old makeup, recipes torn out of magazines, and all manner of detritus. I am an inveterate saver/hoarder of boxes of all shapes and sizes and cannot bear to let them go without thinking about what else I could use them for - is there a name for people like me? Please be kind!
I did read on Mr. Google:
“If you have the tendency to hoard boxes, don’t worry – it’s not the end of the world. With the right techniques and guidance, you can overcome the urge to hoard boxes and gain confidence in your ability to stay organised.”
I guess all I need to do now is to find someone who can give me that right technique and guidance - any offers?
It has been good though to sort through it and throw out much that has been languishing in there for months, if not years and many boxes were broken up and put in the recycling bin, much to Mr. HCB’s chagrin because he says there is too much, but to me, it feels good. A bit more done in my “Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning” so less to be done for those left behind when I “pop my clogs”!
I have listened to some good programmes on the radio whilst sorting, had a cup of coffee with Mr. HCB when he got back from buying his grow bags etc and generally had a good morning, as has he - and the sun is shining, so what’s not to like today.
This was an interesting find - I had never heard of this before:
The accumulation of various objects through the excessive acquisition or difficulty in getting rid of them, regardless of their real value.
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