Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Something from waaaay back...

...for Tiny Tuesday today...

My Bronze Medallion for Lifesaving - with my name engraved on the back, alongside the date - 1977, when I was doing my PGCE at Carnegie College, as it then was!

We ploughed up and down that pool on Thursday nights for WEEKS, towing each other, diving for weights, practising breaking holds. I still remember a lot of those lengths as I was often paired with Jimmy for towing practice, and he was a sinker ;)

Bill was a hard taskmaster - he was on the PGCE course as well, and taught us lifesaving as a project. He made sure we were all up to scratch before we were assessed - and was very proud of us when we all passed! 

Afterwards we all trooped round the corner to the Three Horse Shoes for a drink, and Brian's chippy for fish and chips. Happy days ;) 

I'm not up to that standard now, clearly...

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