World Heritage Day ...

... I got  a yearning for a holy well! I left it a bit late actually having spent the morning making lists and action plans and applying for this and that. I had three wells on the agenda but only got to this one and it was incredibly damp and I was in my posh ankle wellies which do not do the necessary job.

This is St Finbarr's Well, also known as Tobar na Daibchne, Well of the Hollows. The odd mound in the foreground may be where a priest was buried and the whole site was also used as a cilleen, a burial place for unbaptised children. On my previous visits the well has been dry but today everywhere was oozing. It holds a cure for sore eyes and contains a blessed trout, pilgrims bringing bread for it when they visit. No sign of it today.

The weather has been gorgeous today. I hope it will last for tomorrow I am up literally at sparrowfart for it's bird count morning - doesn't it come round fast,

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