Rusty & Crusty!

I really really hate the Uk press but I hate the Scottish press even more! All I hear is Scotland bad stories. We see so called journalists jabbing their fingers at people's faces, shouting over them , haranguing them and generally being rude arrogant eejits. The same applied to their treatment of Lis Truss, ok she might have been a bit thick but she still deserved to be given a bit more respect. If the UK press smell blood at all they are on that person or company like flies to sh**
Gone are decent journalists like John Snow, now we see tykes like Glen Campbell and Kieran Jenkins who are all about themselves 
When I was in Southern Ireland I was listening to their radio, I didn't hear a litany of woes, yes there was the usual stuff about health etc but not the purile rubbish and outright lies we have to endure here in Scotland.
The papers  are'nt any better with their lies and bias. It gives me no pleaseure to listen any of them. And yes I use the off button.

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