Unexpected visitors and A.I

Delighted to see M's ex Japanese teacher this afternoon and his family including their daughter Iona, still jet lagged having flown in from Hong Kong. 
I quickly discovered she was doing a degree in law and writing her  dissertation on AI and copyright, subject currently hot news.
Today a Berlin photographer won an international Sony award for a photograph generated by AI. (See Guardian story).
He declined the award. What puzzles me is that this international panel of judges, experts in their feld, had not spotted the photo was a fake.
Even I with my limited knowledge of A.I could see that.
Why? Because A.I doesn’t do hands and feet. (It’s a well-known and notorious failing, which they are working on).
I have used similar software where the hands and fingers are distorted. (See extra photo).  The prompt for this image was childhood trauma. Check out the fingers.

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