Tara Nolan

Tara is a master coach whom I met at last year’s IESE coaching symposium. We followed up and she invited me to feature on her Game of Teams podcast (which ranks 240th in the global list of most listened to podcasts of every type . . . so really very high!). She is a delightful person (proud of her new puppy) and was very supportive, calming my nerves. She also is very skilled as an interviewer with a natural radio voice. Although we had shared a set of questions, the conversation was very organic (being audio only, I was able to glance at my cheat sheet for time to time!). The subject was my work with fundamental drivers in general and the specific body of knowledge that Thomas of Human Content has developed over the last twenty five years. The podcast will be published in early May and I’ll share the link here for anyone interested.

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