Father, Sun and Holy Ghost (a triptych)
On the way to choir (after parking the car) I walk through the graves at St Martins Church in Epsom. Today, after a stormy, rainy, cloudy sort of a day the sun broke through just as I arrived and caught a glimpse of the sunset reflected in the stained glass.
Strangely it was also the day that the vicar of St Martins departed for a new Parish ending a 12 year relationship with the choir and, I would imagine for the choir, a new face in the audience. Not being 'of faith' myself (and relatively new to the choir), and it not being a church choir this only means for me that I couldn't be late as we were singing a few numbers as a goodbye and thanks for all the support (of which there has been a lot). Still managed to pause whilst running in to take a couple of sunset/church snaps though.
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