Stanton Hall Garden

We thought we’d have a look at the plants at Stanton Hall. It’s more expensive than Dobbies but Mr C was very pleased with what he got last year. It was too soon to get bedding plants - they said at the end of the month would be safer. We then continued to Dobbies as we needed a pot.

Poor Nathaniel is unwell. He had a sore throat and ears at the weekend but the NHS website advised #3 daughter to give it 3 days before contacting a GP. I reminded her that #2 daughter had suffered from a perforated eardrum and subsequently needed grommets as I’d not taken her to the doctor in time. So they went on Monday. He was put on antibiotics at once. That night pus was oozing from his ear and his tonsils were swollen. He had a better night last night but is upset as this is the week his class gets their treat of going swimming and he’ll miss it. #2 daughter suggested she’d take him to Waves with the boys.

#2 daughter has invited us to dinner on Saturday. If we stay over it means we can take James to his 3 -4 hours rugby festival in Alnwick while she takes Thomas to his tournament in Corbridge on Sunday. (Phil is working that day). I’m not looking forward to hours hanging around, especially as the forecast is rain.

I had a bad night with my knees but thankfully no royals infiltrated my dreams. I’m having a break from the rowing machine and back on glucosamine sulphate, omega 3 and cod liver oil. Who knows if it helps.

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