Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Hands full and MM482 results

As you can see, our weather has changed.  I made a quick foray to get a blip and to take Maggy for a walk this afternoon.  2 minutes out in the wind and my hair could give Phyllis Diller a run for her money. 

Now I am having serious computer issues at the moment and so it has been a struggle to download my images let alone review the  MM entries so I won't muck around before the whole thing blows up in my face.

Thanks to everyone for joining in this week and sharing some wonderful stories about family members and woman.  Some great monos not on theme too.

Hearts in no particular order to:

A wondrous woman - AmandoAlentejo
Strong Woman - Mom - Tookie
The Strongest Woman - MaryElizaR
Prayer - MovableParts
It's me - DollyDoug

HMs to

My Aunt Dorothy - Chris_P
Woman - Doingok
It's Mono Monday  - LesTension
Mom - Carolina
Lonely are the brave - xrayspex

Now I think I have lost some HMs so if you are not listed here my apologies.

Next week, I believe on 24 April 1792, French army officer Claude- Joseph Rouget de Lisle composed La Marseillaise, the French national anthem.  So the theme is all things French.  The tag will be MM483.

And PS, thanks so much for the love on yesterdays. 

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